Bruce LI Siu Lung
Bruce Li / Ho Chung Dao / Ho Chung Tao / Ho Chong Dao


year  grade  avg.  nb
Counter Attack 1981 3 2
Fists of Bruce Lee 1979


year  grade  avg.  nb
Top fighter 1995 3.1 5 available medias for this movie
Cinema of Vengeance 1994 3 5 available medias for this movie
Not Again! 1990
Dragon Force 1982 1.38 2
Counter Attack 1981 3 2
Bruce and the Iron Finger 1979 2.38 2
Blind Fist of Bruce 1979 2.5 1
Fists of Bruce Lee 1979
The Gold Connection 1979
Jeet Kune the Claws and the Supreme Kung Fu 1979 3 2
The Lama Avenger 1979 1.5 1
Deadly Strike 1978
Magnum Fist 1978
Game of Death 死亡遊戲 1978 1.88 48 available medias for this movie
Storming Attacks 1978 2.75 1
Bruce Li in New Guinea 1978 1.21 6
Edge of Fury 1978 2.25 3
Dynamo 1978 1.5 1
Bruce Lee The Invincible 1978 1.33 3
Dragon Dies Hard 1977 1.12 2
Chinese Connection 2 1977 1.75 2
Return of the Tiger 1977 2.5 1
The Ming Patriots 1976
The Last Strike 1976 2.38 2
Bruce Lee's Deadly Kung Fu 1976 1.92 3
Exit the Dragon, Enter the Tiger 1976 2 1
Legend of Bruce Lee 1976
Enter the Panther 1976
Bruce Lee -- The True Story 1976 3.12 2
Goodbye Bruce Lee: His Last Game of Death 1975 1.19 4 available medias for this movie
Bruce Lee Against Supermen 1975 0 2
Chinese Iron Man 中國鈇人 1975 2.42 3 available medias for this movie
Hero of Kwantung 1974
Bruce Lee - A Dragon Story 1974 2 1
Duel in the Tiger Den 1972
Triangular Duel 鐵三角 1972 2.5 2 available medias for this movie
Gecko Kung Fu 1972
The Death Duel 1972


year  grade  avg.  nb
Counter Attack 1981 3 2

action director

year  grade  avg.  nb
Bruce Lee The Invincible 1978 1.33 3


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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