

year of Birth1905
year of Death1969


year  grade  avg.  nb
Scattered Clouds 1967 4.2 11
The Stranger Within a Woman 1966 3.72 8
Hit and Run 1966 3.62 2
Yearning 1964 3.82 11
A Woman's Life 1963 3.79 7
Woman's Status 1962 2.88 2
Lonely Lane 1962 3.88 6
Poignant Story 1961 3.68 7
Daughters, Wives and a Mother 1960 3.8 10
Evening Stream 夜の流れ 1960 3.41 8
Approach of Autumn 1960 3.95 5
When a Woman Ascends the Stairs 1960 3.9 13 available medias for this movie
Whistle in My Heart 1959 3.33 6
Summer Clouds 1958 3.84 16 available medias for this movie
Anzukko 1958 3.81 4
Untamed Woman 1957 2 2
Sudden Rain 1956 3.79 7
Wife's Heart 1956 3.44 4
Flowing 1956 3.87 13 available medias for this movie
Floating Clouds 1955 4.2 29 60/100 available medias for this movie
Late Chrysanthemums 1954 3.35 5
Sound of the Mountain 1954 4 15
Husband and Wife 1953 3.62 2
Wife 1953 3.1 5
Older Brother, Younger Sister 1953 3.7 10
Lightning 1952 3.69 9
Mother 1952 4.06 12
Okuni and Gohei 1952 3.17 3
Dancing Girl 1951 2.75 2
Ginza Cosmetics 1951 3 4
Repast 1951 3.81 18 available medias for this movie
Battle of Roses 薔薇合戦 1950 2.5 1
White Beast 白い野獣 1950 2.5 1
Conduct Report on Professor Ishinaka 1950 3.38 2
The Angry Street 怒りの街 1950 3.5 1
Spring Awakens 春のめざめ 1947 2.5 1
Four Love Stories 1947 2.5 1
Both You and I 俺もお前も 1946 3 1
The Descendents of Taro Urashima 1946 2.75 2
A Tale of Archery at the Sanjusangendo 1945 3.31 4
The Way of Drama 芝居道 1944 3 1
This Happy Life 楽しき哉人生 1944 2.75 1
The Song Lantern 歌行燈 1943 3.25 1
A Mother Never Dies 母は死なず 1942 3 1
Hideko the Bus Conductress 1941 3.14 7
Travelling Actors 旅役者 1940 2.5 1
Sincerity 1939 2 1
The Whole Family Works 1939 2.25 3
Tsuruhachi Tsurujiro 鶴八鶴次郎 1938 3 1
Learn from Experience, Part I 禍福 前篇 1937 2 1
Learn from Experience, Part II 禍福 後篇 1937 2 1
A Woman's Sorrows 女人哀愁 1937 3 1
Avalanche 雪崩 1937 2.17 3
The Road I Travel With You 君と行く路 1936 2.25 1
Morning's Tree-Lined Street 朝の並木路 1936 2.5 1
Tochuken Kumoemon 桃中軒雲右衛門 1936 1.75 1
Joyu to shijin 女優と詩人 1935 3.42 3
Kimiko 1935 2.58 3
Three Sisters with Maiden Hearts 1935 2.94 4
Five Men in the Circus サーカス五人組 1935 2.75 1
The Girl in the Rumour 噂の娘 1935 2.75 1
Street Without End 限りなき舗道 1934 2.75 1
Every Night Dreams 1933 2.5 1
After Our Separation 1933 3 2
Nasanu naka 1932 3 1
Flunky, Work Hard! 1931 3.06 4


year  grade  avg.  nb
Anzukko 1958 3.81 4
White Beast 白い野獣 1950 2.5 1
The Angry Street 怒りの街 1950 3.5 1
Both You and I 俺もお前も 1946 3 1
This Happy Life 楽しき哉人生 1944 2.75 1
Hideko the Bus Conductress 1941 3.14 7
Travelling Actors 旅役者 1940 2.5 1
Tsuruhachi Tsurujiro 鶴八鶴次郎 1938 3 1
A Woman's Sorrows 女人哀愁 1937 3 1
Avalanche 雪崩 1937 2.17 3
Morning's Tree-Lined Street 朝の並木路 1936 2.5 1
The Road I Travel With You 君と行く路 1936 2.25 1
Tochuken Kumoemon 桃中軒雲右衛門 1936 1.75 1
Kimiko 1935 2.58 3
The Girl in the Rumour 噂の娘 1935 2.75 1
After Our Separation 1933 3 2

associated producer

year  grade  avg.  nb
Evening Stream 夜の流れ 1960 3.41 8


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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