my grade


Heat Wave

number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 2number of reviews: 4number of reviews: 4number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 1

Cinemasie's opinions

3 reviews: 2.92/5

your opinions

9 reviews: 3.42/5

Xavier Chanoine 3.5
Ordell Robbie 3.25 No Heat
Arno Ching-wan 2
order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

No Heat

As a yakuza eiga, Heatwave is much more achieved than Gosha's successful Wives of the yakuza. Still it doesn't measure up to his sixties and seventies masterpieces such as Goyokin or The Wolves. Actors are excellent and the movie is shot in a good classic way. Still the slow motion is badly used and the cinematography of some scenes -a sensual spectacle, a sex scene- looks like bad eighties flashy cinema. The screenplay is dealing with the conflict between individual desire and code of honor just like in many ninkyo eigas of the sixties (yakuza eigas based on that theme). But besides some character development what is lacking here is the total emotional communion Gosha had with his male rebels in his classics. His look's too much distant here. It's obvious in the final climax: alle the ingredients of greatness are here (good shooting, intensity of feeling) but the mad rage which gave their value to many final "one vs too many" revengeful climaxes in sixties' ninkyo eigas lacks. Good old school yakuza eiga but not great Gosha.

24 August 2005
by Ordell Robbie

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