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Killing The Target (KT)

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Cinemasie's opinions

1 reviews: 0.75/5

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2 reviews: 3.88/5

Ordell Robbie 0.75 Target missed
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Target missed

Okay it's daring for a japanese blockbuster to treat about subjects such as use of torture by Korean secret services, the fascination for Mishima of some members of the Japanese Self Defense Army, the means used by South Korea in the seventies to destroy democratic opponents. But the screenplay is aiming at so many goals that it's missing them all. There's too many boring dialogues about spying tactics, some characters and situations are cliché (especially the love story which is there only because the movie needs a love story for commercial purposes). The directing is sober and correct but it never transcends the genre like Man or Harada did. Moreover, the actors and the photography are dull. Only to save are some references to Kinji Fukasaku movies. Even if we can praise Berlin to show us other things than japanese arthouse movies (Harada, Iwai) this movie didn't deserve being in the competition section.

15 March 2003
by Ordell Robbie

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