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Sunshine Friends

main information

english title Sunshine Friends

cast & crew

actorDavid NG Dai-Wai - 吳大維
Eric TSANG Chi-Wai - 曾志偉
Gabriel WONG Yat-San - 黄一山
LIU Wai-Hung
Elizabeth LEE Mei-Fung - 李美凤
David WU Tai Wai
producerEric TSANG Chi-Wai - 曾志偉
editorDavid WU Tai Wai

additional Info

distributorGolden Harvest


The war of ratings is over when Mars TV, with its two popular programs bears down Earth TV. Mak, the emcee and boss of Mars TV, thus plans to takeover Earth TV while Lee, the boss of Earth TV wants to jump from a skyscraper to make publicity for his station. His daughter, May comes in time to persuade him not to do that. But he gets apoplectic by Mak call and is sent to the hospital. When May has to take over Earth TV and rescue it, her subordinate Sneaky, gives her a hand by introducing four young men to her. Even though four of them know it is difficult to achieve the goal, they decide to help May because they are all attracted by her beauty. By May great efforts and the four men great ideas, they make their programs popular, which attract lots of advertisers investments. The TV station is rescued from being merged and the five become good friends and partners.

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