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Two Cops

main information

english title Two Cops
original title 투캅스

cast & crew

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director KANG Wu-Seok - 강우석
actor AHN Sung-Ki - 안성기
PARK Joong-Hoon - 박중훈
KWON Yong-Wun - 권용운
KIM Bo-Seong - 김보성
KIM Su-Ro - 김수로
KIM Hye-Ok - 김혜옥
KIM Il-Woo - 김일우
CHOI Jong-Won - 최종원
YANG Taek-Jo - 양택조
AHN Jin-Su - 안진수
JI Su-Won
LEE Gi-Yeong - 이기영
producer KANG Wu-Seok - 강우석
scriptwriter KIM Seong-Hong - 김성홍
artistic director CHO Yung-Sam - 조융삼
editor KIM Hyun - 김현
cinematographer JEONG Gwang-Seok - 정광석
assistant director KIM Sang-Jin - 김상진

additional Info

distributorCinema Service


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