DVD On The Occasion Of Remembering The Turning Gate

20 €

The Movie
English Title On The Occasion of Remembering the Turning Gate
Aka Kind A Life, 生活의 發見
Year 2002
Country Korea
director HONG Sang-Soo - 홍상수
actor KIM Sang-Gyeong - 김상경
YE Ji-Won - 예지원
CHU Sang-Mi - 추상미
AHN Kil-Kang - 안길강
KIM Hak-Soon - 김학순
Genre drama
The Item
Video 16/9 anamorphic
Movie Format : 1,85:1
Languages korean Dolby Digital stereo (2.0)
korean Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles english removable
french removable
korean removable
Special Features Trailer(s)
Audio Commentary(ies)
Cast and Crew
Movie Footage
Menus Animated menus
Disc Single Face Single Layer (DVD 5) NTSC
Region Code ALL
Distributor iVision
Cat. Number 8809059615188

NB : Those specifications haven't always been verified. We cannot test every single DVD, VCD or CD which is present in this database. The provided information comes from the item cover or from the distributor website or documents. We try our best to check its reliability, especially for the languages and subtitles.

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