my grade


Night and Fog in Japan

number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 2number of reviews: 3number of reviews: 4number of reviews: 4number of reviews: 2

Cinemasie's opinions

4 reviews: 3.06/5

your opinions

13 reviews: 3.54/5

Anel-kun 3.5
Bama Dillert 5
Fusako 4
hkyume 3.25
Miyuki 3
OshimaGosha 5
Pikul 3.75
Samehada 3.75
shaman 1.25
sumisu-san 4
zybine 3

order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

night and fog in japan (nihon no yoru to kiri)

this is one of oshima nagisa's earliest works. it is in b&w. the film is really political and as a result isn't for everyone. but that being said, if you are interested in japan's post war politics, especially the politics of students/youth than this is for you. the dvd isn't amazing in terms of quality or content/extras. the picture is not remastered. nor is the sound. since this film is from 1960 it was not really amazing quality to begin with. the subtitles are decent. there are some errors but nothing too serious and no where near as bad as the HK released Kurosawa films. this dvd is worthy simply due to the fact that you will find it no other way excepting the original japanese release, which has no english subtitles. panorama HK has been putting out some great japanese films in their recent 'platinum classics' series. another oshima film, 'a street of love and hope' is also available and i would give it a similar rating. matane, sumisu p.s. i got the dvd at musica in paris. it was a good price and the people in the store are very nice to deal with.

13 August 2003
by sumisu-san

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