my grade


A Tale of Two Sisters

number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 6number of reviews: 5number of reviews: 6number of reviews: 10number of reviews: 13number of reviews: 14number of reviews: 16

Cinemasie's opinions

11 reviews: 3.11/5

your opinions

60 reviews: 3.55/5

White Snake 4.75
antigone 2.5
Bama Dillert 1.5
Bastian Meiresonne 4
Bjam 4
Black_pantha 3.25
chronofixer 2.75
cityhunter 3.25
DarK ChoueTTe 3.25
dll_povtyp 3.75
Dooliblog 4.25
el sinior canard 4.25
eniger 4
Epikt 3
esj23 4
Feid 4.75
Fusako 3.75
geez 3.75
gerald 3.75
hello-myrtille 4.75
Illitch Dillinger 1.75
Inoran 4.5
Iron Monkey 2.75
Izzy 4.5
jeff 1
jeff_strike 2
jep 4
Jérôme.D 3.75
JoHell 4
Jonathan-Asia 3.25
koalaurent 4.5
Kokoro 4.5
lesamouraifou 4
LiMuBai 2
Littlewing12 5
Neirda 3.5
nihonlover 5
nisei 4
Oh Dae-soo 4.25
Omerieux 3.75
originalGhost 2
osdohtem 3.25
Paul Memphis 3.75
Pikul 2.5
punkfloyd 3
Rage_against_the_machine 2.75
Sadako 4.5
Scalp 1.5
Secret Tears 3.75
Shaolin 4.75
Sifu Tetsuo 2.25
Simon VD 3
Titeuf@ 4.5
tomsifu 1.75
Tred 4.5
tu0r 4.25
ultima 4.5
X27 3.25
yansan 4

order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

a tale of two sisters is a tale you'll never forget

My interpretation of this movie(SPOILER):SU-MI,Su-YEONG and the stepmother are both SU-Mi who thinks she's either her sister and her stepmoter.How does this come?Su-mi's father had an affair with this stepmother because of this SU-MI and SU-YEONG'mother killed herself in the closet of SU-Yeong,Su-yeong cannot forget it and by this she sees an image of her mother lying dead in her closet,She frightens and pulls the closert over her,the stepmother comes to see it but doesn't help SU-Yeong and leaves the bedroom but on the staircase she walks into SU-Mi,but the stepmother wanted to go back to the bedroom but SU-Mi stops her by talking to her and saying she doesn't wanted it that she came in their lives,to destroy their family.But SUYeong died while they were talking.The story let's see how SU-mi sees herself as SU-Yeong and stpmother.Because she is also the victim like Su-Yeong because she has lost her best friend,the stepmother:because she thinks she is as bad as her because she didn't went to the bedroom to see her sister.That's why you see in the movie that the stepmother and Su-yeong have their periods at the same time,but SU-mi has a dream and a stomachache(her periods).The bag in the story resembles SU-YEONG in the closet:By not knowing what was in the bag(closet)she couldn't help her sister and feels guilty by it ,she thinks she killed her sister too and not only her stepmother.At the end of the movie we see the real stepmother who thinks about SU-YEONG and hears her footsteps and upstairs she sees four little frames which resembles the four original members of the family which is broken because of her and doesn't form a real family anymore,because the family is empty just like the frames in the room,her memories keep haunting her too like they did with SU-Mi and SU-YEONG which made Sy-YEOND die and which made Su-MI insane.So what we learn from this movie;is that an other person who sneaks in a family,can ruin the family and you'll never can escape your memories,although you want to,you never can.We also learn that not helping is also a crime and is just like killing the person.I want to say that this movie is very emotionally if you can figure it out.It let's see that Korea is the country with the most divorces because things like these in the story happen all the time(NOT only in KOREA)I only can say that this movie is a masterpiece and i am looking forward to see the american remake of this one(will be published by dreamworks)Just watch this movie,it is one you'll never forget.

31 January 2004
by nihonlover

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