KITANO Takeshi
北野 武
Beat Takeshi


year of Birth1947


year  grade  avg.  nb
Zatoichi 座頭市 2003 3.88 115 available medias for this movie
Hana Bi 花火 1997 4.17 100 19/100 available medias for this movie
Brother ブラザー 2000 3.72 97 available medias for this movie
Sonatine ソナチネ 1993 4.12 91 39/100 available medias for this movie
The Summer of Kikujiro 菊次郎の夏 1999 3.94 84 99/100 available medias for this movie
Kids Return キッズ・リターン 1996 4.15 80 29/100 available medias for this movie
Dolls ドールズ 2002 3.87 80 available medias for this movie
Violent Cop その男、凶暴につき 1989 3.6 72 available medias for this movie
A Scene at the Sea あの夏、いちばん静かな海 1991 3.84 64 available medias for this movie
Boiling Point 3-4X10月 1990 3.54 60 available medias for this movie
Takeshis' タケシズ 2005 2.61 44 available medias for this movie
Getting Any? みんな~ やってるか! 1994 2.88 42 available medias for this movie
Outrage アウトレイジ 2010 3.18 30 available medias for this movie
Achilles and the Tortoise アキレスと亀 2009 3.48 23 available medias for this movie
Glory to the Filmmaker 監督・ばんざい! 2007 2.18 21 available medias for this movie
To Each His Cinema 2007 3.1 12
Outrage: Beyond 2012 3.15 5
Ryuzo and the Seven Henchmen 2015 2.38 4
Outrage Coda アウトレイジ 最終章 2017 2.25 2
Kubi 2023


year  grade  avg.  nb
Battle Royale 2000 3.94 156 79/100 available medias for this movie
Zatoichi 座頭市 2003 3.88 115 available medias for this movie
Hana Bi 花火 1997 4.17 100 19/100 available medias for this movie
Brother ブラザー 2000 3.72 97 available medias for this movie
Sonatine ソナチネ 1993 4.12 91 39/100 available medias for this movie
The Summer of Kikujiro 菊次郎の夏 1999 3.94 84 99/100 available medias for this movie
Battle Royale 2 2003 1.88 73 available medias for this movie
Violent Cop その男、凶暴につき 1989 3.6 72 available medias for this movie
Boiling Point 3-4X10月 1990 3.54 60 available medias for this movie
Merry Christmas Mister Lawrence 1982 3.68 50 available medias for this movie
Takeshis' タケシズ 2005 2.61 44 available medias for this movie
Getting Any? みんな~ やってるか! 1994 2.88 42 available medias for this movie
Taboo 1999 3.6 40 available medias for this movie
Tokyo Eyes 1998 3.51 37 available medias for this movie
Izo 2004 2.74 37 available medias for this movie
Outrage アウトレイジ 2010 3.18 30 available medias for this movie
Blood and Bones 2004 2.77 30 available medias for this movie
Johnny Mnemonic 1995 1.66 24 available medias for this movie
Achilles and the Tortoise アキレスと亀 2009 3.48 23 available medias for this movie
The Five 1995 3.9 21 available medias for this movie
Go, Go Second Time Virgin 1969 3.3 11
Cinéma de notre temps : Takeshi Kitano, l'imprévisible 1999 3.31 8
Ghost in the Shell 2017 3 5
Outrage: Beyond 2012 3.15 5
Ryuzo and the Seven Henchmen 2015 2.38 4
Mosquito on the Tenth Floor 十階のモスキート 1983 2.94 4
Demon 1985 3.19 4
L' Embuscade 2002 1.58 3
The Crime of Kiyoshi Okubo 昭和四十六年 大久保清の犯罪 1983 2.25 2
Many Happy Returns 教祖誕生 1993 3 2
L' Arche de Jésus イエスの方舟 1985 2.62 2
Outrage Coda アウトレイジ 最終章 2017 2.25 2
No More Comics! 1986 3.75 2
Black Gospel 2014 1.75 1
Erotic Liaisons 1992 1.25 1
L' Enfant des étoiles ほしをつぐもの 1990 3.25 1
A Legend of Turmoil 1992 3 1
Anego 1988 1.5 1
Remnants of chivalry 1999 1 1
Dearest あなたへ 2012
Kubi 2023


year  grade  avg.  nb
L' Enfant des étoiles ほしをつぐもの 1990 3.25 1


year  grade  avg.  nb
Zatoichi 座頭市 2003 3.88 115 available medias for this movie
Hana Bi 花火 1997 4.17 100 19/100 available medias for this movie
Brother ブラザー 2000 3.72 97 available medias for this movie
Sonatine ソナチネ 1993 4.12 91 39/100 available medias for this movie
The Summer of Kikujiro 菊次郎の夏 1999 3.94 84 99/100 available medias for this movie
Dolls ドールズ 2002 3.87 80 available medias for this movie
Kids Return キッズ・リターン 1996 4.15 80 29/100 available medias for this movie
A Scene at the Sea あの夏、いちばん静かな海 1991 3.84 64 available medias for this movie
Boiling Point 3-4X10月 1990 3.54 60 available medias for this movie
Takeshis' タケシズ 2005 2.61 44 available medias for this movie
Getting Any? みんな~ やってるか! 1994 2.88 42 available medias for this movie
Outrage アウトレイジ 2010 3.18 30 available medias for this movie
Achilles and the Tortoise アキレスと亀 2009 3.48 23 available medias for this movie
Glory to the Filmmaker 監督・ばんざい! 2007 2.18 21 available medias for this movie
Outrage: Beyond 2012 3.15 5
Kubi 2023

original story

year  grade  avg.  nb
Many Happy Returns 教祖誕生 1993 3 2
Asakusa Kid 2021 1.5 1
Kids Return: The Reunion 2013 1.5 1
Asakusa Kid 2002


year  grade  avg.  nb
Achilles and the Tortoise アキレスと亀 2009 3.48 23 available medias for this movie


year  grade  avg.  nb
Zatoichi 座頭市 2003 3.88 115 available medias for this movie
Hana Bi 花火 1997 4.17 100 19/100 available medias for this movie
Brother ブラザー 2000 3.72 97 available medias for this movie
Sonatine ソナチネ 1993 4.12 91 39/100 available medias for this movie
Dolls ドールズ 2002 3.87 80 available medias for this movie
Kids Return キッズ・リターン 1996 4.15 80 29/100 available medias for this movie
A Scene at the Sea あの夏、いちばん静かな海 1991 3.84 64 available medias for this movie
Takeshis' タケシズ 2005 2.61 44 available medias for this movie
Getting Any? みんな~ やってるか! 1994 2.88 42 available medias for this movie
Outrage アウトレイジ 2010 3.18 30 available medias for this movie
Achilles and the Tortoise アキレスと亀 2009 3.48 23 available medias for this movie
Glory to the Filmmaker 監督・ばんざい! 2007 2.18 21 available medias for this movie
Outrage: Beyond 2012 3.15 5
Outrage Coda アウトレイジ 最終章 2017 2.25 2


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