
year  grade  avg.  nb
Yagyu Clan Conspiracy 1978 3.85 20
Female Prisoner Scorpion: #701's Grudge Song 1973 2.42 10 available medias for this movie
Under the Fluttering Military Flag 1972 4.29 7
Endless Desire 1958 3.58 3
The Fall of Ako castle 1978 3.42 3
The Red Lantern 1974 3.88 2
Requiem for a Massacre 1968 4 2
Wolf 1955 3.5 2
By a Man's Face Shall You Know Him 1966 3.75 2
- 1958 3.25 1
Farewell to Southern Tosa 南国土佐を後にして 1959 3.5 1
The Scarlet Wings 1959 2 1
That guy and I 1961 4 1
The threat 1966 4 1
Tokyo Mighty Guy 1960 2.25 1
Authentic True Account: Osaka Shock Tactics 1976 2 1
Warrior of the Wind 1964 2.5 1
The Crab-Canning Ship 蟹工船 1953


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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