WAI Ka-Fai
韋 家輝

title yearcountry boxoffice
Shopaholics 2006 Hong-Kong 9 840 000 HK$
Himalaya Singh 2005 Hong-Kong 15 603 530 HK$
Fantasia 2004 Hong-Kong 25 237 936 HK$
Running On Karma 2003 Hong-Kong 26 250 000 HK$
My Left Eye Sees Ghosts 2002 Hong-Kong 20 440 365 HK$
Love on a Diet 2001 Hong-Kong 40 431 186 HK$
Fulltime Killer 2001 Hong-Kong 25 312 985 HK$
Fulltime Killer 2001 France 27 817
Where a good man goes 1999 Hong-Kong 3 804 200 HK$
The Longest Nite 1998 Hong-Kong 9 562 090 HK$
Expect the Unexpected 1998 Hong-Kong 5 359 800 HK$
A Hero Never Dies 1998 Hong-Kong 6 792 090 HK$
The Odd One Dies 1997 Hong-Kong 1 717 565 HK$
Too many ways to be number one 1997 Hong-Kong 3 154 303 HK$
Intruder 1997 Hong-Kong 484 200 HK$
Peace Hotel 1995 Hong-Kong 24 829 983 HK$
Gun N' Rose 1992 Hong-Kong 14 944 759 HK$
The Story of My Son 1990 Hong-Kong 5 868 447 HK$
Easy Money 1987 Hong-Kong 13 999 516 HK$
Young Cops 1985 Hong-Kong 6 581 002 HK$
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