my grade


Tiger Cage 2

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Cinemasie's opinions

8 reviews: 4.12/5

your opinions

32 reviews: 3.81/5

Alain 5
Anel 3.75
drélium 4
Flying Marmotte 4.5
François 3.75 An explosive kung-fu movie by the D&B
jeffy 4.5
Junta 4
Ordell Robbie 3.5
order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

An explosive kung-fu movie by the D&B

No surprise at all for those who know the D&B productions: no story, cheap music and production values, excellent fights and fighters, few time-outs. Tiger Cage 2 is a typical production from the studio who gave us , the twin movie from Yuen Woo-Ping. Both them share a good rythm, some humor, and Donnie Yen as the mad kicker. It still miss a little something to the definitive achievement of the genre, but at least, that's a pretty good actioner.

About what everything want to see, it's clear that the average level is quite high here. No cheap fight, lots of blood and energy, great skills (Donnie's kicks), various movements by Yuen Woo-Ping. It's violent but not too brutal. The only complain about the fights would be that the very anecdotal and humour touches don't let the fights be as dramatic as they could be. It's good to laugh during the movie though, as there are some overlong dialogs. But with a more solid story and involving stakes, the movie could really have reached another level.

So finally, here we "just" have a very solid actioner with top-level fights. Those who likes the Yes Madam, In the Line of Duty 4 and others D&B productions should be more than delighted by this brainless demonstration.

08 August 2003
by François

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