Oeuvre |
Date |
Note |
Les 11 Guerriers du Devoir |
2010/10 |
3.00 |
Les 13 Tueurs |
2010/10 |
3.00 |
2 Duo |
2010/07 |
4.00 |
Les 47 Ronins |
2005/06 |
3.75 |
800 Two Lap Runners |
2006/03 |
1.75 |
A la recherche des soldats perdus 3 |
2006/10 |
3.50 |
About Her Brother |
2010/05 |
3.25 |
The accidental kidnapper |
2010/05 |
3.75 |
L' Actrice fantôme |
2005/09 |
2.75 |
Adrift in Tokyo |
2008/04 |
3.50 |
The Adventure of Denchu Kozo |
2005/11 |
3.75 |
After Life |
2007/03 |
4.00 |
After School |
2008/06 |
3.75 |
Ako |
2008/01 |
2.25 |
Akumyo: Notorious Dragon |
2005/10 |
2.50 |
Always - Sunset on The Third Street |
2006/06 |
3.75 |
Always - Sunset on Third Street 2 |
2008/04 |
3.25 |
L' Amant |
2006/02 |
1.00 |
Les Amants Crucifiés |
2005/05 |
3.75 |
Amen, Somen and Rugger Men! |
2007/11 |
3.75 |
L' Amour de l'actrice Sumako |
2005/05 |
3.50 |
L' Ange Ivre |
2005/07 |
4.25 |
L' Ange rouge |
2005/04 |
4.00 |
L' Anguille |
3.00 |
Aniki mon frère |
4.00 |
Another Heaven |
0.50 |
Apartment 1303 |
2007/06 |
1.00 |
April Bride |
2009/10 |
2.00 |
Aragami |
2007/05 |
3.25 |
Arch Angels |
2007/06 |
2.50 |
Arisan ! |
2009/10 |
3.50 |
Ashura, la reine des démons |
2006/09 |
4.00 |
Assault Girls |
2011/05 |
3.50 |
Au revoir l'été |
2015/09 |
3.75 |
Au-Dessus de la Loi |
2006/01 |
2.50 |
Une Auberge à Tokyo |
2006/03 |
4.25 |
Audition |
3.50 |
Avalon |
3.75 |
L' Avocate |
2005/04 |
3.75 |
Azumi |
2007/05 |
3.25 |
Azumi 2: Death or Love |
2006/02 |
2.00 |
Bakushi |
2007/11 |
2.00 |
La Ballade de Narayama |
2005/07 |
3.75 |
La Ballade de Narayama |
2005/07 |
4.50 |
Bandage |
2010/07 |
3.50 |
Bandit contre Samouraïs |
2006/12 |
3.75 |
Barberousse |
2006/01 |
4.00 |
Les Bas Fonds |
2005/07 |
3.75 |
Bashing |
2006/02 |
4.00 |
Battle League in Kyoto |
2009/02 |
2.75 |
Battle Royale |
4.00 |
Battle Royale 2 |
2005/04 |
1.00 |
Bayside Shakedown |
2004/02 |
3.75 |
Be a man! Samurai School |
2007/12 |
1.75 |
Be Sure to Share |
2015/10 |
2.50 |
Beau-ti-ful? |
2007/11 |
1.00 |
La Bête Aveugle |
2005/09 |
3.75 |
Big Bang love, juvenile A |
2006/04 |
3.00 |
Big Man Japan |
2007/10 |
4.25 |
Bird People of China |
2007/02 |
3.75 |
Bitter Sweet |
2007/01 |
3.50 |
Black Kiss |
2007/11 |
2.00 |
Black Night: Black Hole |
2006/04 |
1.50 |
The Black Swindler |
2008/03 |
2.25 |
Blood and Bones |
2005/03 |
1.50 |
Bloody snake under the sun |
2008/06 |
2.00 |
Bonjour |
2005/03 |
4.00 |
The Brutal Hopelessness of Love |
2007/10 |
4.00 |
Bubble Fiction: Boom or Bust |
2007/10 |
3.50 |
The Bugs Detective |
2010/05 |
2.00 |
Bullet Ballet |
2005/11 |
3.00 |
Café Isobe |
2008/03 |
3.00 |
Café lumière |
2007/04 |
2.00 |
Campaign |
2007/02 |
4.50 |
Carmen revient au pays |
2006/06 |
3.00 |
Casshern |
2005/07 |
2.25 |
Chameleon : Long Goodbye |
2008/05 |
2.00 |
Chaos |
2005/09 |
3.75 |
Charisma |
2008/04 |
4.00 |
The Chasing World |
2008/03 |
2.00 |
Le château de l'araignée |
2005/08 |
4.00 |
Chien Enragé |
2005/03 |
3.75 |
Chronicle of my Mother |
2016/03 |
3.00 |
Le Cimetière de la morale |
2004/04 |
4.50 |
Cinq femmes autour d'Utamaro |
2005/05 |
4.00 |
City of Lost Souls |
3.50 |
The Climbers High |
2008/05 |
3.25 |
The Clone Returns to the Homeland |
2009/02 |
3.50 |
Closed Note |
2007/10 |
2.25 |
Cochons et cuirassés |
2006/10 |
4.00 |
The Code |
2009/02 |
2.50 |
Le Col du Grand Bouddha |
2006/03 |
3.75 |
Le Col du Grand Bouddha 2ème partie |
2006/03 |
3.75 |
Cold Fish |
2015/07 |
3.25 |
Combat sans code d'honneur |
2008/09 |
4.00 |
Combats amicaux à la japonaise |
2006/08 |
3.00 |
Comme dans un rêve |
2015/07 |
2.00 |
The Complex |
2013/02 |
2.00 |
La Condition de l'homme 1 |
2005/03 |
4.25 |
La Condition de l'homme 2 |
2005/04 |
4.00 |