
658 notes, Moyenne: 2.88

Oeuvre Date Note
Hong-Kong | Japon | Animes | Autres pays | Expatriés | Toutes les sections | Année:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Big Bullet 3.25
Happy Family 2.25
Enter the Eagles 3.25
Beyond Hypothermia 4.25
Young and Dangerous The Prequel 3.00
Double Dragon 3.50
Human Pork Shop 1.00
Heroic Trio 3.25
Fat Choi Spirit 2.00
The Best of the Martial Arts films 2.50
Young and Dangerous 5 2.00
Moon Warriors 3.25
Rapid Fire 1.25
Police Story 3 : Supercop 1.50
Slave of the Sword 3.00
The Bride With White Hair 2.00
Healing Hearts 3.50
Portland Street Blues 3.75
Crystal Fortune Run 3.75
Love Generation Hong-Kong 3.50
From Zero to Hero 1.50
Fighting for Love 2.00
Le Sens du Devoir 3 2.00
McDull dans les nuages 2.00
The Blacksheep Affair 1.25
One of the Lucky Ones 3.50
A Game of No Rule 1.25
Princesse Mononoké 3.25
Reunion 1.50
Jackie Chan dans le bronx 1.50
Nine Girls And A Ghost 3.00
Scout Man 2.00
Ping Pong 2.75
Full Throttle 3.50
A Fighter's Blues 3.50
Kick The Moon 1.75
Black Rain 3.00
Le Festin Chinois 1.75
Don't Give a Damn 2.50
Loving You 3.50
Where a good man goes 2.75
Just Heroes 2.50
Swordsman 2 4.00
A Toute Epreuve 3.00
July Rhapsody 4.00
City on Fire 3.25
Heroes Among Heroes 1.50
Century of the Dragon 3.50
Bichunmoo 1.75
L' Amant 2.50
Demain ne meurt jamais 1.75
Piège à Hong-Kong 2.00
Bishonen 4.00
Blue 2.75
True Colours 1.25
Looking For Mr Perfect 1.75
La Voie du Jiang Hu 4.00
Three: The Wheel 2.00
Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise 2.00
Drunken Monkey 1.50
Dragon Loaded 2003 1.75
The Spy Dad 3.25
An Autumn Diary 3.50
Best of the Best 2.00
Dr Wai 3.25
Tears and Triumph 1.75
Hara Kiri 3.50
Martial Angels 1.00
Le Jeu de la Mort 1.50
The Peeping 2.00
Le Marin des Mers de Chine 3.25
The Crow 3.50
Police Confidential 3.25
In the Mood for Love 2.00
Shaolin contre Ninja 3.25
Killing Me Tenderly 3.50
Angel Dust 3.50
Marry a Rich Man 2.00
Royal Warriors 2.00
The Eye 2.00
All Men Are Brothers - Blood of the Leopard 2.75
Tiger Cage 3.00
Eagle Shooting Heroes 3.25
Flying Dagger 3.25
Song of the Exile 4.00
Hero 3.75
Space Adventure Cobra 4.00
Avalon 3.00
Beijing Rocks 4.00
Downtown Torpedoes 1.50
My Lucky Star 1.00
Galaxy Express 999 3.75
Les Sept Samouraïs 2.00
City of Glass 3.25
Wonder Seven 2.50
Une Flic de choc 3.00
Somebody Up There Likes Me 3.25
Second Time Around 2.75
Getting Any? 2.25
Farewell China 3.50

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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