Liste des films

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Allemagne Jermal 2008 2.75 (1 Critiq.)
Tulpan 2008
Australie Australia 2008 2.5 (1 Critiq.)
Canada Heaven on Earth 2008
Chine 24 City 二十四城记2008 3.52 (13 Critiq.)
Les 3 royaumes 赤壁2008 3.73 (41 Critiq.)
A un fil près 千钧一发2008 2.75 (1 Critiq.)
Anaconda Frightened 狂蟒驚魂2008
Apology 2008 2.25 (1 Critiq.)
An Archeologist's Sunday 2008
The Biggest Chinese Restaurant in the World 2008 3 (1 Critiq.)
Black Breakfast Black Breakfast2008
Blossom 绽放2008
Brilliance in Europe 点亮欧洲2008
Calabash Brothers 2008
Carnival of the animals 2008
Cheng Ying rescues the orphan 程婴救孤2008
City of Life and Death 南京! 南京!2008 4.11 (30 Critiq.)
Un Coeur d'or 2008 1.75 (2 Critiq.)
The cost of hapiness 2008

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